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Faith Through a Photo

A Christian Story

I was born in Fiji in 1935 of Hindu parents and I had three sisters and one brother. My father had been ill for about two years before I was born and when I was about 9 months old, my parents and three older children accepted the Christian faith and gave their lives to Jesus Christ. They were all baptised but three days later, my father died.

My grandfather was quite angry about my parents’ faith in Jesus and he took me away from my mother and I was brought up by my grandparents until I was 10 years old.

When I went back to live with my mother, she told me that our family were Christians and she told me about Jesus. I began to pray to Jesus to help me.

One day I found a screwed up piece of paper outside our home and when I opened it up I saw a man nailed to a cross. I rushed to my mother and asked, “ Who is this man?” and she told me that it was Jesus who had died to provide a way to forgive our sins. My heart was sad that people could be so cruel and I kept that paper for a very long time. It was then at about 10 years old that I understood how much Jesus had suffered for me and I put my trust in Him for my forgiveness and gave my life to Him.

I got married at the age of 17 to a Hindu man who said puja in our home but I continued in my Christian faith. Occasionally he would come to church with me and after two or three years, he wanted to become a Christian himself. We had three children and we were all baptised at the Methodist Church Mission. My husband had a very strong faith and used to read his Bible regularly. Every Sunday we were in church together.

Afterwards we moved to England, my husband died and my children got married and I became alone but Jesus helped me and comforted me. Sadly two of my sons died very young and my heart was broken but God has been my strength and comfort and has blessed my life so much. My whole life and heart belong to the Lord Jesus.